The Day She Turned SIX

Last night Claire went to sleep a five-year-old...

 and woke up SIX.  What???

It seems like yesterday I was holding this little bundle...

But now she's SIX and running a daycare center out of her room.  It doesn't pay well, but it really keeps her occupied.

We weren't able to have a big celebration today, as her big brother was at camp all day and night and we couldn't party without him.
We did have a great day though.  A double coffee/play-date for Mommy and Claire was followed by "exercise class" on the lawn (a favorite role-playing activity) and then mac and cheese for lunch.  Her bestest neighbor friend Katherine came over and they watched "Enchanted" and then played babies all afternoon.  After supper, we took her to GET HER EARS PIERCED!

 She blew me away.  I really thought she might back out at the last minute (because wouldn't most 6 year old be freaked out by having a sharp object shoved through thier ear lobe?) but she never wavered.  She looked a little worried, but it was clear that the reward of having pierced ears was worth the pain that had to be endured.  We went to Claire's in the mall and we had two lovely ladies help us.  It was over in a second and according to Claire hurt "less than a shot!"

She opted for the pink cubic zirconia, of course!!


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