Homemade Cloth Diaper Soap

I have been using Bum Genius cloth diapers for 2 years now!  I am so glad I made the decision to cloth diaper my last little one.  I love thinking about how much money and land-fill space I have saved over the last 2 years.  I have used a few different soaps over the years... Amway, Charlie's, Melaleucca.  I've liked them fine, but I have always wanted to try making my own.

Tonight, I made this recipe:

2 cups Borax
2 cups Washing Soda
2 cups OxyClean (I used the Walmart Brand, which was about 20% the cost of OxyClean)

Mix them all together and there you have it!  Use 1 Tbsp for small loads and 2 Tbsp for large loads.
The Borax cost ~$3, the Washing Soda was ~$3 and the generic OxyClean was $2.  There is enough to make at least 2 batches of soap.

I also purchased a bar of Fels Naptha Soap so that I could make laundry detergent for our clothes as well.  The bar of soap cost about $1.30.

Here's the recipe:
1/2 cup Oxy Clean
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
1 bar Fels Napth Soap, finely grated

Combine all ingredients.  Use 1 Tbsp for small loads and 2 Tbsp for large loads.


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