Trip To The Zoo

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  The wind was blowing, as it usually is around here, but in spite of this, it was a day worth getting out and doing something in.  I decided we'd go to the zoo as soon as we picked up Fisher from school.  I warned him about this possibility, as to set his expectations accordingly.  This is a very wise thing to do with my son- he does not like surprises.  I packed up water and an apple for each of the kids and we headed out on our trip.

And...we had SUCH. A. GOOD. TIME. It was almost magical, really.  Usually when I plan outings such as this they are just O.K.  Mostly fun, but plenty of whining, a little fighting and always someone telling me how tired they are. There was NONE of that nonsense yesterday.  We were four of a handful of people at the zoo, there was not a cloud in the sky and the leaves shone bright against this backdrop.  The animals were feeling frisky in the delightful weather and we even got to help a vet "train" the goats by feeding them biscuits when she rang a bell- it was such a thrill for the kids!  Fisher and Claire never said a negative word to one another.  Instead they did such peculiar things as engage in a friendly discussion about their future careers as co-zookeepers, and were even spotted HOLDING HANDS (see picture below as proof).  Holland was thrilled with all of the creatures in front of her, pointing, squealing, and making the "moo" sound for most of the animals.  They finale of the afternoon was going to see the baby zebra only to find him galloping all over the "savannah" with his parents.  Then the ostriches and giraffes joined in the race- it was amazing!

Can you tell that I had a good time too?  Sometimes being a mom who does "stuff" with her children can be exhausting and frustrating.  But today it wasn't.  Today I really enjoyed my children and was so THANKFUL that I get to hang out with these kids every day.  I know that my kids are a gift.  Today, I felt like I received that gift in a new way.

What's this I see... could it be that they are HOLDING HANDS????

I was right- they are holding hands, for goodness sake!

Apples proved to be the perfect snack for munching as we walked along

Future Zoologist


  1. This is so sweet. Your kids have grown up since I've seen them!


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