Sweet Rides

We had a big day here today... Fisher learned to ride his bike!  Just yesterday I was trying to help him learn and he was sobbing and saying things like, "You KNOW I'll never learn to ride my bike!  You promised me only one more try!  I want to ride my scooter- I HATE my bike!!!"  He was trying to learn on the 20" bike that we had gotten for him.  I realized that it was too big for him to learn on- he was too scared.  It was big and heavy and he couldn't put his feet solidly down on the ground when he started to tip.  So we hauled his old, really used bike that used to have training wheels on it out of the garage.  This time he was able to start on his own and put his feet down when he felt unsure of himself.  After a couple tries he was off and riding and saying things like... "WOW!  I can't believe how GOOD I am at this!  I LOVE riding my Two- wheeler!  This is AWESOME!!!  I just believed in myself and I CAN DO IT!!!"  Lance and I tried our best to hide our smug looks and rolling eyes and extended our warmest congratulations...  ;)

Here little mis sassy pants on her bike.  She likes to wear her riding gloves when she's out for a ride...

And here's our 2nd little miss sassy pants and her big girl bike... she loves being outside with her big brother and sister...

Like I said... she's sassy.

And so cute I could just eat her up....Mmmmmuuuuaaahhhh!


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