Sick, Sick, Sick

Ugg.  We've been sick around our house.  Holland came down with a fever that lasted for 7 days, then took a day off, and then became horribly clingy and screamish and was diagnosed with an ear infection today.  When the Dr. looked in her ear and proclaimed it infected, I admit I was really happy about it.  It was nice to know that there was something to give her that would make her feel better.  I was enjoying all of our snuggle time, but you know, I have to use the bathroom and eat once and awhile.

Little Claire Bear had a cough and then developed an eye infection... Take a look...

Here's Claire the morning she woke up with infected eyes- look how puffy they are!  She was still cute as can be helping me fold laundry while enjoying a hot cocoa and watching Max and Ruby.  I love that show.

Now Lance and I both have sinus stuff going on and once and while I have a sneeze that almost knocks me off my feet.  Can't wait for the sun and the warmer temps to return.  We are all so ready for spring around here!


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