My Claire Bear is Four

Claire became "Claire Bear" within hours of being born. It just seemed to roll off my tongue and proved to be a pretty catchy nick-name for our little girl. When she was just learning to how to tell people her name, she would say it was "Claire Bear." Even when Fisher is angry with her for some reason, he will yell out "CLAIRE BEAR!!!!"
She turned 4 this week. She has seemed to be older than 3 for some time now, but it is always a little sad when your baby turns 4. You can't even pretend they are still a toddler when they are four. Here is a little bit about Claire as she is living her life as of late:

-Pink has replaced purple as her favorite color. I am a bit sad about this, as her skin tone is so much more suitable for purple...
-One of her favorite things to do is to get an enormous pile of books, and flip through them all by herself on the couch. She will rarely sit still while I read her a book... she is usually looking at another one, or playing with this or that off in the corner.. but she seems to always know what is happening in the story
-She is an incredibly perceptive mimic. She always notices if I am wearing a new shirt, and usually she tries to copy my outfit the best she can with her limited wardrobe. We recently had a visitor who was wearing a fashionable scarf, and upon spying it, Claire promptly had me dig her scarf out of the winter box so that she could wear one too.
-She LOVES to wear flip-flops. I had to cut off the ankle strap on this years pair because they weren't "floppy" enough with it on. She gets VERY irritated if she catches me wearing my flip-flops and she is wearing her tennis shoes or sandals at the time.
-She loves her big brother so much. The other day she was watching "Charlotte's Web" and when it ended, she was sobbing and inconsolable for her father and I. She said "I just want my big brother!" and she found him, and he hugged her, and it was sweet. I love seeing her love her brother, and I love seeing him loving her back.
-She loves to tease and torment her big brother- she definitely has the sassy thing down, and Fisher has no tolerance for sass.
-Her favorite foods are mac and cheese, sour cream, fried fish, ribs, doritos, watermelon, and black beans

Here are a few of my favorite images capturing our little girl


  1. She's my sweetie girl. Looking forward to some one-on-one time with her.


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